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Insomnia(Sleeplessness) during Pregnancy

Rudranshi Arora

BY: Rudranshi Arora

It is an obvious thing when you want asleep at times you didn’t get that even in a long time, you think this is the last time and it’s not and time and day passes…! Yay, I’m talking about sleep. Sometimes you may feel frustrated, anxious, and irritated. You need at least 8-7 hours of sleep that feels like a dream during this phase. Bladder pain keeping you awake and backache or leg cramps need comfortability in bed to get a good sleep. Before the baby, the only time to take proper rest and a good sleep would be easy but not after that.


1.) GAS

Slow digestion when your stomach feels bloated is a cause of insomnia.


Some pregnant women getting hot flashes when they feel warm on the neck, chest, and face.


It is pretty common to have nightmares that are also one of the reasons for insomnia.


During pregnancy, we think a lot about unusual stuff and worry about those problems that are not good for the baby and the mother, and lack of sleep would lead to further many more problems.


During pregnancy, your breast may feel sore and tender.


You might feel sometimes like a nausea or throwing up during the night.


It is necessary to know and addresses pregnancy insomnia. If Pregnancy Insomnia causes obesity, smoking, age, or family history and leads to premature delivery, C- section delivery can risk your baby.Untreated sleep problem may also lead to pregnancy complications, such as high blood pressure, and difficulty sleeping after birth. It may also make you more vulnerable to depression after you deliver.


Treating insomnia is a big challenge during pregnancy but not a difficult or impossible task to do. Sleep medicines aren’t safe for pregnant ladies and their babies. Improving sleep schedules can also improve your sleep and health.

1.) Take limited caffeinated beverages. Not only they keep you awake but they absorb the deficiency of iron for you and the baby.

2.) Drink maximum amount of water during the day but stop drinking before during the bedtime.

3.) Stop using social media, cellphone, tablets that keep you awake at night.

4.) Eating earlier is not a solution but eating small meals is necessary.

5.) Eating before bedtime can cause heartburn that can harm you and your baby so avoid eating before some hours of sleeping.

6.) Avoid eating spicy, oily or greasy food.

7.) Take short naps.

8.) Take a massage or hot bath for relax your body and feel comfortable.

9.) Use extra pillows while sleeping. Put them between your legs.

10.) Keep your bedroom light, quiet, positive to have a good sleep.


A lost night of sleep during pregnancy isn’t usually a big concern, but continued chronic inadequate sleep has been linked to gestational diabetes, stress, and depression. Insomnia and frequent snoring also have been linked to an increased risk of giving birth to a baby that’s too large or too small for its age, and sleep issues late in pregnancy have been linked to longer labor and a greater need for a caesarean section.

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